We are a service offering counselling to both men and women and young people aged 12 and over who have experienced, rape, sexual assault, past childhood sexual abuse or any kind of sexual trauma in their lives.
In addition, we offer support counselling to a partner, family member or friend who is supporting the person who has been abused. Our service is available in Wexford, Enniscorthy, Gorey and New Ross.
We are a confidential counselling service, appointments can be made by ringing the freephone number:
1800 33 00 33
The first 10 ten sessions are free of charge.
If you have any questions you need answering in relation to sexual violence a counsellor will speak to you in confidence on the helpline.
(We would like to say a big thank you to all our clients who contributed to our short film – we hope that we can reach out to those who need support, please call us on 1800 33 00 33)
Charity No. CHY 12420